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Fundi celebrates role of civil servants this Africa Public Service Day

As governments across the continent celebrate Africa Public Service Day this week, Fundi has reached out to thank and support the teachers, nurses, doctors, firefighters, social workers, administrators, policemen and women, and others who continue to serve the nation at the highest level, despite the pandemic. Originating at the conference of African Ministers for Public

Fundi celebrates role of civil servants this Africa Public Service Day Read More »

Breaking the cycle of poverty, crime and unemployment one day at a time

Earlier this year the Basic Education Minister, Angie Motshekga, reported that South Africa achieved a 76.2% pass rate which is a 5.1% drop to the previous year. Access to basic education has been severely affected by the Covid-19 pandemic and the need for alternate learning institutions has become essential. The School Of Hope, a foundation

Breaking the cycle of poverty, crime and unemployment one day at a time Read More »

Activate! Change Drivers hosts youth leadership, GBV response imbizo

NGO Activate! Change Drivers recently hosted an imbizo in the Free State, focusing on ‘Youth leadership and accountability in the gender-based violence response’. According to Nkokheli Mankayi, Activate! project coordinator: gender, justice and equality, despite the National Youth Policy 2020 recognising the vital role young people play in building South Africa, the youth are disproportionately

Activate! Change Drivers hosts youth leadership, GBV response imbizo Read More »

MAMAS Alliance – inspiring youth through sport and equipping them for a more resilient future

Sport has a significant role to play in a community’s culture, economy and education. In underprivileged sectors, the provision of recreational activities can have enormous benefits in making youth less susceptible to crime and drug use. Besides the physical benefits, community sporting programmes can aid social, emotional and mental development, teach the importance of teamwork

MAMAS Alliance – inspiring youth through sport and equipping them for a more resilient future Read More »

Hunger Month 2021 – Food Lover’s Market & partners aim to exceed 2020’s 1 million meals

Food Lover’s Market and partners have launched the fifth consecutive Hunger Month campaign with the goal of exceeding the 1 million meals contributed in 2020. The supply of food to vulnerable persons in South Africa is under pressure, with 30 million food insecure.  14 million is the estimated number of vulnerable persons in South Africa

Hunger Month 2021 – Food Lover’s Market & partners aim to exceed 2020’s 1 million meals Read More »

Miss Soweto’s project to give disadvantaged kids dignity and pride at school

Reigning Miss Soweto Thobile Steyn knows first-hand what it feels like to not be able to start the school year on the right footing. Her mother Thabile, who convinced her to enter the White Star-sponsored beauty pageant, would often struggle to find enough money to make sure her daughter went to school with the proper

Miss Soweto’s project to give disadvantaged kids dignity and pride at school Read More »

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