Impact SA


Heels in construction – incubating women owned businesses in construction

The Construction industry is among the most male-dominated industries world-wide. However, in South Africa, women seem to be well represented in the industry and can get even better. According to the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB), 48% of South Africa’s construction companies are owned by women. This shows that great amount of efforts is done […]

Heels in construction – incubating women owned businesses in construction Read More »

Khaya Sithole – “Transformation: We’re doing it wrong”

A few days ago, in a conversation facilitated by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, I chatted to the research director at the Human Sciences Research Council – Professor Sharlene Swartz, about the elusive pursuit of social cohesion in South Africa. The Human Development Index – where SA stands In seeking to articulate the nature of the

Khaya Sithole – “Transformation: We’re doing it wrong” Read More »

SA township-mapping startup offers FMCG companies innovative value creation platform

South African startup Eneodata is providing location intelligence data from townships to fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) companies to help them derive better value and create opportunities for local people.Founded in 2018, Eneodata is a location intelligence and analytics company focused on unlocking the value of the informal market through mapping economic activities in difficult-to-see spaces.The

SA township-mapping startup offers FMCG companies innovative value creation platform Read More »

Here’s why South Africa needs its own Startup Act

A co-created and tailor-made South African Startup Act would be a powerful tool for empowering entrepreneurs and addressing key developmental issues, although case studies from other African countries show that it will require prolonged and widespread engagement with various stakeholders. This was the conclusion reached at the end of a webinar discussion on the relevance of a

Here’s why South Africa needs its own Startup Act Read More »

SA mining industry steadfast in its transformation journey

The Minerals Council South Africa’s member companies have shown substantial compliance and have made significant progress along the journey towards transforming the South African mining industry and the economy in the past decade. While the Minerals Council remains fully committed to improving the competitiveness of the mining sector by ensuring its ongoing growth, transformation and

SA mining industry steadfast in its transformation journey Read More »

The real numbers: How the sand is shifting under the economic pillars of SA

The sand is shifting under the long-held notion of good macro-economic pillars of South Africa. Former trade and industry minister Rob Davies once argued that unless we disabuse ourselves of that notion, the microeconomic and trade policies are going to be suffocated by the macroeconomic rigidities. Key macro-economic measures are mostly about the relationship between

The real numbers: How the sand is shifting under the economic pillars of SA Read More »

There is nothing small about the impact small businesses have on our economy

South Africa has hundreds of thousands of small businesses and there’s nothing small about the impact these small businesses have on our country’s economy. Small businesses need the nation to mobilise behind them more than ever before. That’s the word from Mike Anderson, Founder & CEO of the National Small Business Chamber (NSBC). The role

There is nothing small about the impact small businesses have on our economy Read More »

South Africa’s major new ‘transformation’ law is coming – what you need to know

The Department of Employment and Labour has published a notice indicating that it plans to introduce the Employment Equity Amendment Bill to the National Assembly. First announced by Labour minister Thulas Nxesi in July 2019, the bill promises to make a number of significant changes to the country’s employment equity laws. At the time, Nxesi said that

South Africa’s major new ‘transformation’ law is coming – what you need to know Read More »

How the 4th Industrial Revolution and Covid-19 are changing the face of CSI donations

It’s common company practice to stick to a three-year cycle to update and upgrade employees’ computers and laptops, but many of these devices still have years of use to go. So, instead of sending them off to the recycling depot, rather follow DriveRisk’s example in donating them to a worthy cause. Here’s how the country

How the 4th Industrial Revolution and Covid-19 are changing the face of CSI donations Read More »

Samsung South Africa launches new Equity Equivalent Investment Programme initiatives

Samsung South Africa has announced its EEIP (Equity Equivalent Investment Programme) plans, aimed at empowering previously disadvantaged South Africans, with a focus on women and youth in the ICT sector. The programme initiatives are set to strengthen black economic empowerment through enterprise development, thus boosting economic growth and job creation. The programmes are formulated to

Samsung South Africa launches new Equity Equivalent Investment Programme initiatives Read More »

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