Impact SA

Gladys Mutemeri champions philanthropy


Our MAMAS Alliance Profile Series features members of the MAMAS Alliance CSI Agency, who aim to simplify CSI by facilitating and supporting the partnership between funder and NGO. This week, ImpactSA profiles CSI consultant, Gladys Mutemeri.

MAMAS Alliance CSI consultant, Gladys Mutemeri, holds a BSc Honours degree in Media and Society Studies. During her third year of study, Gladys was afforded an internship at an NGO that worked with people living with HIV and AIDS and orphans and other vulnerable children. As a result of the fulfilment received from interacting and working for the betterment of vulnerable societies, Gladys knew that for the rest of her working life she wanted to remain in the philanthropic field.

Years later, she is still working for the improvement of children’s lives as a fundraiser – and the cherry on the icing is that she now works for a network of 36 NGOs which gives her more opportunities to make a difference in the lives of vulnerable children. The wider the net has been cast, the more Gladys’s passion has grown. “Children are the future and being a part of the contribution towards that future is something I am honoured to be part of, at any given time,” says Gladys.


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